• Build a new home on your existing property

    For Zero Cost


    If you love your property and where you live, but not your house, we'll build you a new home at no cost to you.

  • Ouliv is helping Australians build beautiful new

    homes on their existing properties for absolutely

    zero cost.


    We'll even pay off your mortgage at no cost to you.

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  • A Beautiful, Modern Home

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    • Your new house built on the land you live on today
    • 7-star, energy efficient home
    • Contemporary lifestyle
    • Your input into design and build

    Zero Cost To You

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    • Absolutely nothing to pay
    • No ongoing fees
    • No change to your existing mortgage
    • The chance to be mortgage free
  • A new home built on your existing property

    with nothing to pay ever!

    From Concept To Creation... We Nail It!

  • Imagine moving into your beautiful, new home.

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  • A home that's built to last, on your own property, with a 7-star energy rating.

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  • Best of all, imagine your new home is built for you at zero cost

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    Your building partner from concept to creation

    Build with the strength and confidence of property and lending industry leaders.

    Ouliv is owned by one of Australia's largest property groups, Ouson, and supported by Ouya Capital.